101.1 Philosophy of Education


The school district and its educational programs should enable all students, regardless of background, to maximize their potential.  Youth must be encouraged to foresee the time when they will have jobs, homes, families, places in the community and attain recognition as individuals with true worth and dignity.  There must be an emphasis on understanding that people live, work, think, and speak in a variety of acceptable ways.  Hence, schools must prepare students for a variety of work, discover and nurture creative talent, strengthen the moral fabric of society, foster a healthy respect for democracy, and prepare them to meet and cope with social and global changes-all in an orderly environment conducive to life-long and self-directed learning.

The Board of Directors believes that quality instruction and curriculum are primary in generating the proper learning environment for our students.  Therefore, the Board is dedicated to developing the professional skills of staff and the fusing of solid curriculum principles based upon proven research. 

The responsibilities for education fall to the Board of Education, the parents, the school community, the personnel the Board of Directors employ and finally the students themselves.  Thus, it becomes imperative that the community is involved, supportive and committed toward the pursuit and maintenance of educational excellence.  It is the administration and staff who must provide the expertise for educational productivity.

The Estherville Lincoln Central Community Board of Directors resolves to develop those policies that will govern the operations of the district, result in appropriate educational goals and meet the expectations of the community for the highest quality of learning possible for our students.



Approved:   12/98                 Reviewed:            7/99





