206.3 Secretary-Treasurer



The Secretary shall be appointed by the Board at its annual meeting in July, for a period of one year.

The Secretary shall be required to furnish a security bond in such sum as may be required by the Board; same to be paid for by the District.

He/she shall perform all the duties as prescribed by law, and any other duties prescribed by the Board.

He/she shall keep a complete record of the proceedings of Board meetings.

The Secretary shall work with the Business Manager/Treasurer in keeping accurate, separate accounts of all funds and furnish reports and other documents as required by the Board.


The Treasurer of the Board will:

Be appointed by the Board at its annual meeting in July, for a period of one year.

Receive all monies belonging to the School District.

Pay warrants signed by the President and countersigned by the Secretary of the School Board.

Keep an accurate record of all receipts and expenditures of school funds.

Register all orders drawn and reported to him/her by the Secretary showing the number, date, to whom drawn, fund upon which it is drawn, the purpose and amount.

Keep an accurate, separate account for all school funds.

Ensure completion of financial statements and reports whenever required by the Board, and keep books open for inspection at all times.

Deposit school funds in banks designated by the Board as the official depositories with any changes by the Board.

Keep a record to whom interest bearing school bonds are sold.


Legal Reference:                 Iowa Code 279.3, 279.30, 291.2, 291.6-291.15, 298.22


Approved:    11/11/96                      Reviewed:       8/00                                                Revised: 1/2020



