210.1 Board Meetings



All meetings of the Board shall be public meetings and shall be open to the public at all times with the exception of closed session as described under Iowa law.

Advance public notice of the time, date, and place of each meeting and reconvened meeting, and the tentative agenda shall be provided.  When it is necessary to hold an emergency meeting without notice, the nature of the emergency shall be stated in the minutes.

Regular Meetings:

The regular meeting time and date shall be set by the Board at is organizational meeting in odd-number years and at its September regular meeting in even-numbered years.  Regular meetings of the Board will be held on the third Monday of each month.

Meetings will be held in the meeting place officially designated by the Board, which will be accessible to the public.  Meetings shall begin promptly at 5:15 p.m.  The Board shall adhere to this meeting date unless the Board requires additional meetings or, due to circumstances beyond the board’s control, the meeting cannot be held on the regular meeting date, and the meeting will be re-scheduled at the Board’s convenience.  Public notice of the meetings shall be given.

During the September regular meeting in even-numbered years, the Board shall elect from its membership a President and a Vice-President and shall appoint a Secretary and Treasurer.

Annual Meetings:

At the regular September meeting the Board shall examine the books of the Treasurer for the year ending on 30th of June preceding, and transact such other business as may be properly come before it.  The Treasurer shall furnish the Board with a sworn statement from each depository showing the balance. 

Organizational Meetings:

An organizational meeting shall be held during the first regular meeting after the canvass of votes of the regular school election(odd years).  The meeting shall be called to order by the Secretary acting as temporary chairperson. 

The first order of business during the organizational meeting shall be to swear into office any new members unless they have been so sworn in previously.  During the organizational meeting, the Board shall then elect its membership a President and a Vice-President and shall appoint a Secretary and Treasurer.

Special Meetings:

It may be necessary for the Board to conduct a special meeting in addition to the regularly scheduled board meeting.  Special meetings may be called by the president of the board or by the board secretary at the request of a majority of the Board.  Should a special meeting be called, public notice shall be given at least twenty-four(24) hours notice, if possible.

If the special meeting called is an emergency meeting and the Board cannot give public notice in its usual manner, the Board shall give public notice of the meeting as soon as practical and possible in light of the situation.  The reason for the emergency meeting and why shall be stated in the minutes.

Only the purpose or issue for which the special meeting was called may be discussed and decided in the special meeting.  The Board shall strictly adhere to the agenda for the special meeting and action on other issues shall be reserved for the next regular or special board meeting.

Reconvened Meetings:

At a reconvened meeting, where the meeting was reconvened within four(4) hours of the start of the recess of the scheduled meeting and the date, time and place of the reconvened meeting is announced at the scheduled meeting in open session and recorded in the minutes of the meeting, the Board is not required to provide further notice of the meeting.

Closed Session:

The Board may hold a closed session only affirmative public vote of either two-thirds of the members of the body or all of the members present at the meeting.  The Board may hold a closed session for any of the reasons listed Chapter 21.5 of the Iowa Code.  No formal action of any kind may be taken in a closed session. (Policy 212)

Electronic Meetings:

The Board may conduct a meeting by electronic means such as telephone conference call only “in circumstances where such a meeting in person is impossible or impractical.”  Public access to the conversation must be provided “to the extent reasonably possible.”  Public notice must be given for the electronic meeting and minutes kept, which include the reason for not holding a meeting in person.

Work Sessions and Retreats:

The Board may schedule work sessions and retreats from time to time in order to provide its members and administrative staff with such opportunities to learn together.  Topics for discussion and study will be announced publicly and work sessions and retreats will be conducted in accordance with the state law.



Legal Reference:     Iowa Code 21.3, .4; 279.1 (1995).

                                    1980 Op. Att'y Gen. 148.



Cross Reference:     200.1  Organization of the Board of Directors

                                    210     Board of Directors' Meetings





Approved: 1/20/2020