503.1R2 Violent & Aggressive Behavior


The Board of Education recognizes that there are certain behaviors that, if tolerated, would quickly destroy the type of learning environment to which the students and staff of the Estherville Lincoln Central Schools are entitled. 

Those behaviors, categorized as violent and aggressive, will not be tolerated and shall, therefore, result in immediate action being taken.  All acts of violence and aggression, threats, or notes that suggest violent or aggressive acts, shall result in those involved being placed on a compulsory BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT PLAN (BMP).  The BMP is the charge of the principal and others may be involved in its monitoring and implementation.  The BMP shall clearly outline the training or help program the student should experience, who’s involved, length of time, and other appropriate information related to the student and incident.  In addition to this BMP, each situation shall result in specific consequences as determined by the seriousness of the act, age and grade of the student, program status of the student, and other considerations including consideration of expulsion from school for acts of a serious or chronic nature. 

Acts of violence and aggression or threats of such must be well documented and communicated at least to the principal, superintendent, liaison officer, and parents or guardians.  The school board will be informed and involved only where necessary by law.  The police and/or others should be notified immediately if the above group has determined it as appropriate.  It is mandatory to involve the police if there is any violation of the law.

The following behaviors are defined as violent and aggressive:

  1. Possession or threat with or use of a weapon (Code No. 502.6)
  2. Physical Assault -

Physical assault is an act of striking a person or that person’s property with the intent of causing hurt or harm.

  1. Verbal Abuse –

Verbal abuse shall include, but is not limited to swearing, screaming, obscene gestures or threats, whether this is orally, by telephone, or in writing, at an individual, his/her family, or a group.

  1. Intimidation –

Intimidation is an act intended to frighten or coerce someone into submission or obedience.

  1. Extortion –

Extortion is the use of verbal or physical coercion in order to obtain financial or material gain from others.

  1. Bullying –

Bullying is the use of physical or verbal coercion to obtain control of others or to be habitually cruel to others who are weaker.

  1. Gangs –

Gangs are groups of individuals who share common beliefs, attitudes and attire in exhibiting unlawful and/or anti-social behavior.

  1. Sexual Harassment (Code No. 502.10)
  2. Written Documented Threats –

Written documented threats are notes that suggest physical threats to individuals, their property, or school property.

  1. Bomb Threats  (Code No. 804.3)
  1. Stalking –

Stalking is the persistent following, contacting, watching, or any other such threatening actions that compromise the peace of mind or the personal safety of another.

  1. Racial Slurs –

Racial slurs are insulting, disparaging, or derogatory comments made directly or by innuendo regarding a person’s racial origin.


Approved:    5/14/01                    Reviewed:    6/06                                                                            
