504.6 Student Co Curricular Activities


The Board believes that student activities at school are a vital part of the total educational program and should be used as a means for developing wholesome attitudes and good human relations as well as a means of self-realization.  Students who take part in an approved activity must realize that they represent the school and community, and that their behavior and appearance are of the utmost importance.  The sponsor of the activity subject to the district’s policies and regulations as well as any specific rules sets students forth.

Co-curricular Activity: An activity sponsored by the school in which the student performs or appears before the public.

Activities included but not limited to the following:  Athletics, Vocal and Instrumental Music,

Speech, Drama, FHA, FFA, Dancing and Cheerleading.

Non-school Sponsored Sports

A high school student who participates in school sponsored athletics may participate in a non-school sponsored sport during the same season upon approval of the administration.  Such outside participation shall not conflict with the school sponsored athletic activity.

Penalty:  Three weeks suspension or the remaining one third of the season.

Community Night

Wednesday night shall be recognized as “community night”, and efforts shall be made to complete school activities by 6:30 p.m.  Any exceptions must have prior administrative approval.  Sunday activities are also discouraged.


Legal Reference:         20 U.S.C. §§ 1681-1683; 1685-1686 (1988).

                                  34 C.F.R. Pt. 106.41 (1993).

                                  Iowa Code §§ 216.9; 280.13-.14 (1997).

                                  281 I.A.C. 12.6.


Cross Reference:        504.6R  Eligibility

                                  508.2    Community Night


Approved:   4/97                  Revised:    11/98                         Reviewed:    10/99

