903.6 Adult Booster Groups


The school board appreciates the forming of various booster groups for the support of Estherville Lincoln Central School activity groups.

It shall be understood that the function of the groups will be:

  1. To promote the activity throughout the district;
  2. To provide activities for the students involved beyond that by the district;
  3. To provide material and equipment beyond that furnished by the district.

Although the board of education cannot and does not want to govern the booster clubs, there should be a close working relationship between the booster organization and the school.

It is the prerogative of the booster clubs to have any kind and as many projects as they wish to raise funds for their organization. 

However, since school personnel, students, and the school are the recipients of the funds and materials, the Board does have the right to approve or disapprove the acceptance of the funds or materials.  This permission can be obtained from the appropriate administrator.

It is suggested that any information on fundraising projects should be submitted to the administration.

Students should not be directly involved in any way with a project that involves door to door sales or collections unless their participation has been approved by the administration in advance.

No improvement or alteration shall be made on school property without the approval of the superintendent or board of education.

No charges will be made for the use of school facilities for organization meetings and functions.

If the kitchen is needed for food preparation and serving, the organization shall work with the food services director in its appropriate use.

If the building is used beyond the normal janitorial scheduled work period, the organization shall compensate needed janitorial personnel.  This pay shall be at the normal, regular or overtime schedule for persons involved.


Cross Reference:                    905.1     Facility Use


Adopted:    5/01                     Reviewed:  10/07
