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507.9 Crisis Prevention/Intervention/Awareness


The Estherville Lincoln Central Board of Education recognizes that violence, suicide, accidents, and tragedies are part of our society.

As such, the Board desires a comprehensive management program which includes a plan that is proactive and includes prevention, intervention, response, aftermath, and recovery components that address potential and materialized problems.

The Board supports the following activities:

(1) Establishment of procedures for dealing with trauma, tragedy and loss of life within our schools.

(2) Provision of materials and other resources to increase awareness of relevant issues.

(3) Provision of appropriate staff development especially for intervention methods and procedures.

(4) Development of appropriate curriculum that educates students in health and sociological issues and encourages greater self-esteem and self-responsibility.

(5) Establishment of Crisis Management Response Teams at the school level supported by a central Crisis Management Advisory Team.


Cross Reference:        502.6    Weapon

                                  502.10  Harassment

                                  603.5    Health Education


Approved:    10/98                          Reviewed:    7/06
