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602.1E Curriculum Development and Management



We, the educators of the Estherville Lincoln Central Community School District, hold forth this vision of the curriculum of excellence we desire for all our students.  We have a dream of a curriculum that is . . .

1. MEANINGFUL.  The curriculum emphasizes the active construction of meaning, so that all students find purpose in their studies.

2. TECHNOLOGICAL.  The curriculum uses technology as one delivery system, examines the influence of technology on students’ lives, and give students the skills they need to use the technology to accomplish their own purposes.

3. SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE.  The curriculum develops in students a sense of social responsibility, so that they become aware of their obligations and duties as citizens in a democracy and are especially sensitive to the needs of the poor and the elderly.

4. MULTICULTURAL.  The curriculum reflects and is responsive to the cultural diversity of this nation and our community, so that students develop a sense of pride in their own heritage and a respect for that of others.

5. REFLECTIVE.  The curriculum fosters in students the skills and attitudes of reflection so that they are able to think critically, creatively, and affirmatively.

6. HOLISTIC.  The curriculum gives appropriate emphasis to all the significant aspects of growth and all the types of human intelligence, helping students see the connections between the separate subjects.

7. GLOBAL.  The curriculum develops in students an awareness of global interdependence in all aspects of life, including the environment and the economy.

8. OPEN-ENDED.  The curriculum is open-ended in two ways:  it is open to revision and continued refinement; and it provides open access to all students, so that students are not tracked into dead-end careers.

9. GOAL-BASED.  The curriculum focuses on significant goals, so that students develop the critical skills and acquire the knowledge they need for effective lifelong learning and full functioning as citizens in a changing society.

10. VALUE-BASED.  The curriculum provides for knowledge and practice in developing good character habits of self-discipline, concern for others, integrity, service, cooperation, responsibility and respect.


Adopted:  10/98                        Reviewed:      1/00

