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407.6E1 Resignation and Request for Early Retirement



I, ___________________________________, born on _______________________, hereby submit my resignation to the Board of Directors of the Estherville Lincoln Central School District and request the early retirement benefit package offered to employees in the Estherville Lincoln Central School District with the payout being placed in a Special Payment Plan for my withdrawl.

I commenced continuous service in the Estherville Lincoln Central School District, or one of its predecessor school districts, on ____________________ and I am _______ years old, thereby meeting the plan’s age at retirement requirement.



Print Full Name: _____________________________________________________


____________________________________________                                ________________

Signature                                                                                                                                                  Date




To be completed by the Board of Director’s Secretary


The resignation and request for early retirement was accepted by the Board of Directors on the _______ day of _____________________, 2014, by action as noted in the minutes of the Board.



Secretary of the Board of Directors

Estherville Lincoln Central School District




Revised: 12/13                                                                                    Reviewed:  04/14